Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Projects from the quarantine bunker!

I am still working full time, but the rest of the time has been spent in the quarantine bunker waiting out these hard times. I was lucky enough to have a good supply of raw materials on hand before the lock down so I was able to keep working on a few projects. Recently I completed two Baronial Coronets for Baron Snorri skyti Bjarnarsson and his wife Baroness Annika Iosafova. Commisioned by Their Graces (at the time Majesties) Timothy of Arindale and Gabrielle van Nijenrode.

The coronets are tooled and painted leather. I went outside my wheel house a bit and tried my hand at just painting on the heraldry instead of attempting to tool it first. I did this in large part because I was worried that size and detailing required for tooling the heraldry might leave it looking a bit "muddy" (in other words in might have been so small it was beyond my skill to do well). 

This was a challenging project due to the lock down. I had what materials I had (mostly the leather) and there was zero room for error. There are a lot of small mistakes here and there, but I had to push forward and ignore them as there was no option to start over. In the end I am pretty happy with them, but as with all things, if I had a time machine I would make some changes next time around.