Heraldic Helm Shields
Just before the The Road to Rouen (2024-SCA) Sir Richard Larmer contact me about making two leather helmet shields. These attach to the mail of the helm just below the face plate. These are made of tooled and painted leather. Having about a week to finish, I painted them faster than I normally like. This should not impact durability but did reduce the finished quality (in my opinion). Below are a few production shots and a final photo with the shields attached to the helms.
Two Baronial Coronets for Baron Snorri skyti Bjarnarsson and his wife Baroness Annika Iosafova. Commisioned by Their Graces (at the time Majesties) Timothy of Arindale and Gabrielle van Nijenrode. The coronets are tooled and painted leather.
Favor for my Lady
Going back a couple years I promised my lady Thalia I would make her a favor to wear. To add to this, I set out on a personal quest as well. Our Baronial archery group, The Hael Hounds, has a weekly contest where archers shoot at a small red dot. The three archers that come closest to (or hit) the red dot are awarded a wolf token. I decided that I would shoot in my lady's honor until I had won 20 of these wolves in her name, then give her this token of my love along with my favor for her to wear. As with many things during the reign, time got away from me. However just this week I was able final make good on my promise. The favor is tooled and painted leather. The black portion is leather dye. The wolves are commercially available tokens.
Court Baron Coronet
This is my personal coronet. Given to me my the Grace of Her Majesty Anna Leigh on the occasion of my stepping down as the Baron of the Rhydderich Hael. The coronet is tooled and painted leather. The yellow is leather dye and all the colors are painted. The pearls are mounted into the leather on posts. The back is open for adjustment of size.
Leather Circlet
This is a circlet I made for my lady. The circlet is tooled and painted leather. The black is leather dye and all the colors are painted. The back is open for adjustment of size.
Leather archery guard
Leather archery arm guard. Tooled and dyed leather, painted tooling.
Leather Half Gauntlets (hand protection)
Leather hand protection meant for SCA combat archery and siege. 8-9 ounce leather.
Leather Gorget (neck protection)
Simple neck protection. Made with 8-9 ounce leather and backed with aluminum bar stock. For use in SCA heavy and fencing.
Court Baron Coronet
The coronet is tooled and painted leather. The black is leather dye and all the colors are painted.
Leather three ring binder
Leather three ring binder. Front is tooled and painted leather. It is not a book cover. The internal three ring binder hardware is built into the leather.
Court Baroness Coronet
Leather Court Baroness coronet. Tooled and painted leather on the front. Tooled and dyed leather for the main coronet. Pearls are green beads mounted on stainless steel pins. Connection is laced in the back to make it adjustable.
Leather mini-chamfron
Leather min-chamfron. Personal device in tooled and painted leather. Normally mounted on the forehead of a horse.

Chest with tooled Baronial device
Chest is a off the shelf box that I stained. I also constructed wooden dividers to organize the inside space. Device is tooled leather. Dyed background and painted Baronial device.
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