Sunday, February 14, 2016

New award medallions

Life has been busy as of late but I did manage to squeeze out a few award medallions. These are tooled, dyed, and painted leather. They are pretty simple but I like how they came out. I gave these away as gifts at the Delftwood and BMDL (Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands) investitures (SCA). I am also working on an extended tutorial showing how I make these. I hope to have that done and posted this week.

For Delftwood: Shown are, Order of Capstan (Arts and Science, pictured upper left), Order of the Whirligig (Youth service, pictured middle right), and Order of the Millguard (Martial Arts, pictured lower left).  

For BMDL: Shown are a Red Comet (Martial Arts), and a Gold Comet (Service).