Sunday, January 6, 2019

With the New Year comes new projects!

Going back a couple years I promised my lady Thalia I would make her a favor to wear. To add to this, I set out on a personal quest as well. Our Baronial archery group, The Hael Hounds, has a weekly contest where archers shoot at a small red dot. The three archers that come closest to (or hit) the red dot are awarded a wolf token. I decided that I would shoot in my lady's honor until I had won 20 of these wolves in her name, then give her this token of my love along with my favor for her to wear. As with many things during the reign, time got away from me. However just this week I was able to finally make good on my promise. The favor is tooled and painted leather. The black portion is leather dye. The wolves are commercially available tokens.